
Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm back in the realms of making again ... 4 years on, obviously that's what having a little girl does to me!!

Just got a new sewing machine (JLMini in Light Pink) and I am now embarking on a sewing adventure.

So far I have completed a patchwork quilt, a 'sticky-uppy' as it has been christened, a sock monkey and a hat (piccies to follow hopefully!)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Been away for a while!

But now I'm back, and so are the challenges!

Scrapbook Challenge no. 4

Life is one long journey, though we do have smaller ones along the way! This is inspired by the fact that I have just returned from my holiday and have lots and lots to scrap!

I shall post my efforts as soon as I can!

ATC challenge no. 3

I'm sure everyone can think of a wealth of ideas for this one! I've chosen this as I am blessed with so many people in my life - family, work, church - and 'virtual' friends too from forums, across the world. I feel its time to celebrate that!

So on that note, I better get crafting! Please come back to see my creations, and feel free to share yours too!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Scrapping Challenge Number 3

This week's challenge should get you thinking, hopefully.

Scrap a Song
I find music is so important in my life. Some songs can express emotions that I, myself, cannot put into words.
In that light, challenge yourself to scrap a song that means something to you, or se lyrics as your journalling.

Here are some of my pages -

This page leant itself to the chorus of "Father and Daughter" by Paul Simon

Here I used one of the lines from "Everybody's Free (to wear sunscreen) as the title.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Scrapping challenge number 2

Thank you Witch for completing last week's challenge - I look forward to seeing it! This week, a theme -

"My First Love"

What or who was your first love?
A toy, a band, a smell, an experience?

I've scrapped my DD's first love - her toy cat. She can't get enough of him!

ATC Challenge number 2

The challenge for this week is -

"Float Upstream"

Hopefully it will spark some thought for you and could produce a whole range of ATCs. I look forward to seeing everyone's creations!

Here are mine -

The quotes are taken from a poem about dragonflies by Joanne Ryder, found on twopeas

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Scrapping challenge no. 1

Welcome to the first scrapbooking challenge. This week ... circles.

Circles of patterned paper, card, vellum...
Cut your pictures into circles...
Use brads, spirals, circular frames...

The choice is yours people!

My challenge Layouts:

ATC Challenge No. 1

Make. Create. Inspire.

Create an ATC (or a series of ATCs) around this theme.
You're creative, so get creating!

My series has been done in a really simple style with orange and pink patterned paper and monograms, vellum and pink fabric rosebuds.